The Weather Outside Is Frightful

PHOTO PROMPT © Sarah Potter

White flakes floated gently down from the dark skies above. As they settled, the landscape outside Corrina’s window took on a pale gray tone. The monochromatic display in front of her would have been a pleasant sight if it were Christmas time. The calendar on the wall showed July. Corrina realized she should have evacuated with the rest of the town after the volcano exploded but she wouldn’t abandon her elderly mother who was too weak to move.

“Is that snow falling?” asked her mother from her bed

“Yes mamma,” she replied as she watched the approaching firestorm. “It’s snow.”

Word Count: 100

[This is my entry into this weeks Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Use the photo prompt to create a short story in 100 words or less.]


33 thoughts on “The Weather Outside Is Frightful

  1. I hope they’ve got plenty of supplies in and the weight doesn’t collapse the roof. I was very close to writing an “ash-fall” story myself.
    And thanks for the title – I’ve got Die Hard going round in my head now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mandibelle16

    Hey, nice to see you back. What a sacrifice she’s making for her dying mother. Snow indeed . . . I hope the end is swift. I guess that’s all you could wish in a such a situation. Great write!

    Liked by 1 person

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