The Devil Under the Water


To the untrained eye, the massive patch of lily pads that sprawled across the northwest corner of Lake Diablo seemed to be a natural part of the ecosystem. Biologist Blake Carter knew better. He’d been studying the lake flora for nearly two years and recognized that the awesome bloom resulted from a significant rise in carbon dioxide in the water. Combined with the increase in seismic activity at the nearby fault line, he suspected the worst.

His pleas to the park service to close the lake were ignored. When the volcano under the lake erupted, none were left to regret their ignorance.

Word Count: 102

[This is my entry into this weeks Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Use the photo prompt to create a short story in 100 words or less.]


36 thoughts on “The Devil Under the Water

    1. I haven’t yet but I keep telling myself that I’m going to. It’s exciting to consider the possibilities of some of the kernals that emerge from flash fiction but I’ve not yet gone that far.


  1. Great story! No-one ever listens to the scientists (unless they’re saying the “right” thing”).
    Calling it “Lake Diablo” was asking for trouble, and I like the idea of the “devil under the water” being the volcano.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. gahlearner

    Scientists don’t claim to have the absolute and final truth and thus aren’t ‘believed’–as if well factual evidence had anything to do with belief. Great story, from title to science.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. I agree that science isn’t perfect (and no one claims it is) but it’s easier to work from evidence than from dogma or the many biases illusions we coat ourselves with. Yet we often discard objectivity for subjectivity because it falls into our comfort zone. And as in this story, that sometimes comes with a price. I’m fairly sure that Blake took his own advice and cleared out before it was too late. Thanks for reading and commenting. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Good story, Voice. No one ever listens do they. Many didn’t listen about Mt. St. Helens either. It would probably shock us to learn where all the volcanoes are or how close they are to erupting. Great description that made it sound realistic. Well done. — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love that name – conjures up a rugged man and with brains too, nice! But sad that authorities never listen to the real experts who see the foreboding signs. Like how you use the tight word count so well, flowed really well.

    Liked by 1 person

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