The Art of Growing Affection

© A Mixed Bag
© A Mixed Bag

Marmadas Twofoot fumed as he stomped up the walkway to the door of his home. Each hairy foot slammed down as though he were angry with the ground itself.

How dare she? he asked himself as he grasped the doorknob of the round portal that led into the cozy interior of his hobbit hole.

Marmadas had just returned from the market in Loamsdown where Ruby Gardner had told him that his tomatoes had worms. Worms! What did she know? Her cucumbers were shriveled and her carrots limp and he’d told her as much quite loudly. Their shouting match had been quite the spectacle.

He set his basket of tomatoes down on the floor in his kitchen.  He remembered how she’d called him a big-nosed lout, her soft cheeks glowing pink and how her hair had billowed in the breeze as she informed everyone his vegetables were unfit to eat. He recalled the way her breasts heaved as she ranted about how his crops were an embarrassment; the worst in the Shire.

He reached for a tomato and just before biting it, noticed something wriggling on the surface: A worm.

Marmadas grinned. He couldn’t wait to see her again next week.

Word Count: 200

[This is my entry into the Sunday Photo Fiction challenge, hosted by Alastair Forbes. Write a short story of 200 words or less from the photo prompt provided.]


27 thoughts on “The Art of Growing Affection

      1. I’m picturing one of those stories (or TV shows) where the two leads are always bickering and insulting each other, and yet they keep hanging around, and you just *know* they’re going to end up together. Awwww.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. mandibelle16

    Lol. Great hobbit take. The picture very much, does make one think of that. The beginning of a hobbit love story I guess. He doesn’t seem to care so much his tomatoes had worms, more about the woman who wouldn’t sell them. Great take 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Speaking (or writing, as you point out) as one who read the good Professor’s work back when a blog was something you threw on the bfire, I found this thoroughly enjoyable.
    Delightful piece, sir.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. AHH Fellow Tolkien fan, I love that you went that route too! I was starting to wonder if I was the only one who saw this photo prompt and thought of the Shire. We went different ways with our respective stories, but I loved the little glimpse into a Hobbit’s life that you provided. I can definitely see protecting the integrity of one’s crops as a Very Important Thing in the Shire, since Hobbits seem to be spectacular farmers (I remember that one scene at the end of Return of the King when a hobbit in the background is ecstatic over his giant pumpkin).

    All in all, I loved your take, Chris!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jade. I agree. Farming in the Shire is a Very Important Thing indeed. And yeah, I remember that pumpkin too. Massive! At least Marmadas didn’t have a problem with tricksy little hobbits stealing his crops like a certain Merry and Pippin did with Farmer Maggot.

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  4. Jade’s story was the first one my mouse marked as read, so I read that one and then came to yours straight after. Reading two Hobbit tales one after the other was awesome. I can see them both happening in the same world completely oblivious to the other, and the love story reminds me of Samwise Gamgee and the tavern girl, Rosie Cotton.

    Excellent write. I loved it.

    Liked by 1 person

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