The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Inventions

Photo courtesy of Sunday Photo Fiction
Photo courtesy of Sunday Photo Fiction

I loved going to visit my Uncle Rick. Mom referred to him as the Black Sheep of the family and dad just sighed whenever he was mentioned but I didn’t care. Uncle Rick was the coolest guy I knew.

An inventor, his house was packed with all kinds of strange gizmos and contraptions. Most of them never seemed to work properly but my curious teenage mind reeled from the mystery of it all.

One day, while Rick tinkered with his latest project, I stalked around his workshop, inspecting all of his inventions. Spying a strange conical device that resembled a lava lamp, I reached out tentatively at the odd-looking dial fixed at the base. A sharp cry sounded from behind me.


I wheeled around, startled.

“Whatever you do, Morty, don’t touch that dial!” Rick shouted, eyes wide.

“Why?” I gasped. “Is it some sort of inter-dimensional transporter or quantum phase generator?”

“No no!” he replied, waving his hands. “Those are in the basement. This is my Full Spectrum Receiver. It’s very delicate.”

“What does it do?” I asked, utterly fascinated.

“Oh, I use it to jack my neighbor’s cable and WiFi. Save’s me over a hundred bucks a month!”

Word Count: 200

[This is my entry into the Sunday Photo Fiction challenge, hosted by Alastair Forbes. Write a short story of 200 words or less from the photo prompt provided.]

My inspiration for this story. Great show!
My inspiration for this story. Great show!


24 thoughts on “The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Inventions

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